Apparently the second known example
Los 341
CARIA. Antioch ad Maeandrum. Circa 165-145. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28 mm, 15.31 g, 1 h), Meleagros, magistrate. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. AN/TIO/XE/ΩN - ME/ΛE/AΓ/ΟΣ Eagle standing left on thunderbolt with closed wings; all within maeander pattern. BMC pl. 45, 10 var. (differing magistrate and legend arrangement). Gorny & Mosch 207 (2012), 357 (same obverse die, sold for 24'000 EUR). SNG München -. SNG von Aulock 2417 var. (differing magistrate and legend arrangement). Of the highest rarity, apparently the second known example. Dark original patina and of beautiful style. Deposits and the reverse struck somewhat off center, otherwise, very fine.

The civic tetradrachms of Antiochia ad Maeandrum are among the great rarities of the silver coinage of Hellenistic Asia Minor. Two types are known to exist: one with a laureate head of Apollo on the obverse and a Zebu bull on the reverse, and the other, such as ours, with Zeus on the obverse and his eagle on the reverse. The issue appears to have been struck after the conferment of liberty to large parts of the Rhodian Peraia in Caria by the Roman Senate following the lack of Rhodian support to Rome in the Third Macedonian War in 171-168
2000 CHF
3200 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 25-Feb-18, 15:50:30 CET
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